CEE is delivering an innovative Carbon Neutral Action Plan (CNAP) for the Borough of Queenscliffe.

The “Working Towards Carbon Neutrality Action Plan” includes two separate plans – a Corporate Action Plan and a Community Action Plan.

The corporate plan concentrates on the Council offices, Town Hall, Library and Visitor Information Centre, the four Council-operated caravan parks, Council’s fleet, water pumps, street lighting, plus recycling and waste from Council offices.

In particular, the Corporate CNAP analyses Council’s corporate carbon footprint, presents energy costs and forecasts and determines the most cost effective approach for the achievement of Council objectives of moving towards carbon neutrality for Council by 2013 and for the Borough community by 2020.

The Community CNAP quantifies the Queensclife community’s greenhouse gas emissions, analysis’s these emissions in terms of type and source and provides a cost-effective and realistic framework for community emissions reductions strategies to enable the Borough to achieve carbon neutrality.

As the BoQ Sustainability Officer Jacqueline Wilson states, “The community action plan focuses on emissions from the wider Borough community including residents, businesses and schools and will identify activities that residents can take to lower these emissions”.

“Not only is the community action plan a great opportunity to recognize the efforts of the Borough community in reducing greenhouse gas emissions to date, it will be a fantastic tool for planning how we can work towards carbon neutrality by 2020.”

The Community and Corporate CNAPs completed by CEE in conjunction with the BoQ create a holistic and locally specific framework for the BoQ Council and Community to manage greenhouse gas emission and work towards carbon neutrality.

CEE can deliver Carbon Neutral Action Plans for business, government and community groups of all shapes and sizes and tailor a contextualized sustainability solution that suits your characteristics and profile.